【地球盟友】【柯博拉Cobra】2013年11月29日訊息 【耶穌會的陰謀議程】

P.S.由於Cobra的英文名字翻譯應該是譯音,而不是譯義(如Mr.Fox應該是譯成“福克斯先生”,而非“狐狸先生”) ,另外華人社會及某些光工對“ 眼鏡蛇”這個詞普遍存著負面的印象(集體意識場中的負面印記),因此為減少事件傳遞時因名稱(眼鏡蛇)造成的不必要的誤解,國際黃金時代團隊(華人區事件聯合行動團)隊將於10/16日起,全部採用“柯博拉”為翻譯名字,若有不便,敬請見諒!
The Jesuit agenda is to infiltrate the Eastern Alliance with its agents and hijack the process of creating the new financial system. Needless to say, top people within the Eastern Alliance are aware of this and will not let it happen. Also, top members of the White Dragon Society have learned their lesson after their predecessors were fooled decades ago when they surrendered much of their gold to Jesuit agents for worthless pieces of paper (US government bonds). The White Dragons are much more careful now, especially as the Jesuits are trying to infiltrate them through Te-Wu, the Chinese secret intelligence agency. 
The Jesuit plan is to let the Light forces purge the Illuminazi faction (Rockefeller, Bush, Kissinger, Cheney & Co.) and then secretly team up with the Rothschilds to take over the process of creating the new financial system. Their agents are present on endless negotiations for the surrender of the Cabal and they are trying to steer the agreements closer to the Jesuit agenda. This is the source of proposals to make the Pope the new M1 (monetary controller). This is the reason why the new Jesuit Pope is promoting the idea of a central world bank. They are also seriously considering the idea of allowing a worldwide debt jubilee so that they would be portrayed as saviors of humanity under the wings of »benevolent« Catholic church. They would then promote the Catholic cult in a renewed, more publicly appealing way, and gradually absorb other religions into it (starting with Buddhism) until they would reach their goal of a global religious mind programming cult, at the same time keeping all past atrocities of the Catholic church under the carpet.
Through special compartmentialized CIA programs they have infiltrated the truther movement to the point that about 70% of intel in alternative media is disinfo coming directly or indirectly from Jesuit sources. I have a list of people and groups inside the truther / liberation movement that are either under direct Jesuit control or are manipulated by the Jesuits and it may or may not be released in the near future. 
The Jesuits are working under the command of the Archons to maintain the quarantine status of planet Earth. It is good to know that the Jesuit organization is a 16th century creation of the Farnese family, which is one of the most powerful papal Black Nobility families in Italy. 
One of the reasons the Jesuits have created WW2 was to orchestrate a wordlwide gold grab to finance their black budget programs to maintain the quarantine status of our planet (secret space program, deep underground military bases). Operation Golden Lily was a Jesuit operation and general Yamashita was a puppet in the hands of the Jesuits:
It is good now to mention the role of the Positive Templars in the Jesuit downfall. Through a strategically brilliant move they temporarily sided with their arch-enemies Rothschilds and together they triggered the March revolution in 1848 and 1849 through Memphis-Misraim Egyptian freemasonry groups in Italy, France and Hungary. These were the only main freemasonry groups that were not infiltrated by Jesuits by then. 
值得一提的是正面聖殿騎士團在削弱耶穌會行動裡扮演的角色。他們想出一個絕妙的戰略同盟: 他們臨時聯合主要敵人羅斯柴爾德家族,在意大利,法國,匈牙利,透過孟菲斯-麥西埃及共濟會組織發動了1848年至1849年的三月革命。這些組織是當時唯一主要沒被耶穌會滲透的共濟會組織。
The March revolution in Europe has significantly lessened the power of the Jesuits as it decreased the influence of the Black Nobility, removed feudalism and accelerated the slavery abolition process worldwide. The living conditions for many humans started to improve. Also, the focus of humanity started to shift from emotionally based Jesuit religious control into the mind, which was further promoted with advance of science and universal education. 
Needles to say, the temporary alliance between the Positive Templars and the Rothschilds was over as soon as the March revolution has ended. 
It is interesting to note that the March revolution was financed with gold bullion which would now be worth only about $10 million. Organizing a drastic world change does not need to be very expensive. 
Now the Positive Templars are creating a much more powerful alliance with another, much more positive group and together they will eradicate the Jesuit power from the surface of this planet forever. 
Currently the Jesuits are the main operational task force for the Archons to maintain the quarantine status for planet Earth.
Their previous superior general Hans Peter Kolvenbach is instrumental in keeping the fear vibration among humanity on the surface of this planet. He is the mastermind behind the 911 (Twin Towers) and 311 (Fukushima) false flag attacks and the main engineering force behind the Syria conflict. He is conveniently living in Lebanon, very close to Syrian border. 
耶穌會的前任總會長: 漢斯.彼特.高文伯(Hans Peter Kolvenbach)是執政官維持地表人類恐懼心理的頭號打手。他是911事件和311日本大地震兩次偽旗行動的幕後主腦,也是敘利亞衝突幕後的頭號元兇。他現在住在離敘利亞邊界不遠,有地利之便的黎巴嫩郊區。
Papal adviser Heinz (Henry) Kissinger created PI-40, a clandestine group which is now the main Jesuit-controlled force for preventing positive ET contact:
The real reason why the Jesuits created CIA, NSA, NRO and NGA was to monitor and evaluate the threat that positive ET races pose to the their empire. 
Main purpose of CIA is to install Jesuit-friendly political regimes throughout the planet and especially to dictate their policy regarding positive ETs. The main programming center of the Jesuits is Georgetown university in Washington:
It might be interesting to note that many CIA directors went through Jesuit programming there. George Tenet, who was a CIA director at the time of the 911 false flag, was a Georgetown university graduate. David Petraues, who was a CIA director a few years ago, completed a military fellowship at Georgetown university. Previous CIA director Michael Morell is a Georgetown post-graduate. Current CIA director John O. Brennan received a B.A. from Fordham university, another major Jesuit programming center. 
Also secretaries of defense like to visit Georgetown a lot. Donald Rumsfeld, who was a secretary of defense during the 911 false flag, attended Georgetown (he was not good at school though). Robert Gates, who was a secretary of defense between 2006 and 2011, achieved his Ph. D. at Georgetown. Chuck Hagel, the current secretary of defense, was a professor at Georgetown. The role of secretaries of defense is to strengthen the negative military under Jesuit control. Until 2004 their role was also to oversee the process of creation of deep underground military bases. After 2004, all those bases were cleared by the Resistance.  
The main purpose of NSA is to monitor ALL electronic communications on the planet without exceptions and intercept, analyze and evaluate all messages that would indicate a contact with benevolent ET intelligence or with the Resistance as any trace of that contact would pose a perceived threat to the Jesuit empire. 
The main purpose of NRO is to constantly monitor the surface of our planet and its vicinity for any trace of positive ET contact. If any such contact occurs, the NRO then notifies the negative military which then removes that positive ET contact one way or another as it perceives it as threat to the Jesuit empire. 
The main purpose of NGA is to map the surface of the planet in detail as to control it completely. 
The power structure of the Jesuits in the USA looks like this:
Apart from people mentioned above I would like to mention Leon Panetta, who was both a secretary of defense and CIA director and was programmed at the Santa Clara Jesuit university.
Janet Napolitano, who was a head of DHS until recently, graduated from the same Jesuit university. 
You might also want to look at the map of 10 FEMA regions within the United States:
And compare it to the map of 10 Jesuit provinces within the US:
To clarify, I did not reveal the Jesuit agenda to install fear, but to inform and bring awareness to the situation. There are Light forces at work and they will NOT allow the Jesuit agenda to be successful.
Victory of the Light is near!
翻譯:Patrick Shih


“柯博拉(Cobra)”是昴宿星轉世為地球的某個人類,Cobra為其代稱(由Compression breakthrough”壓縮突破”而來)。其與昴宿星人一直有面對面的直接接觸,他/她是抵抗運動官方的公開聯絡人。





本文出處網址: https://www.ascendwithlove.org/2013/11/29/the-jesuit-agenda/


