





Hey Guys! Sorry I couldn’t get on with you last night. I was trying to get a set of data taken and talk to several people… it was 2:30 am before I got it all together… anyway, I’m trying it a different way… I’ll leave a message here and you can see it when you get up and around, then I’ll check back with you around 6 pm (EST) and we can discuss.


大家好! 抱歉昨晚没办法跟大家连络。我昨晚忙着记录数据还有跟一些人讨论,忙到好就已经凌晨两点半了。总之呢,我们正在尝试新的作法。我会在东岸时间晚上6点左右查看大家的讯息,到时候大家再来讨论。


Here’s what I’ve got so far. Firstly, I want to make sure we’re all using peak readings at this point. Can you confirm? So here is the data from 3100 turn coils loop wired as secondary: At 2588 RPM (173Hz output frequency), for 1000W input (at the wall), I’m getting 3000W output. At 600W input, It’s 1360W, and at 500W in, I’ve got 836W out. I’m using roughly the same cap value in series (167nF) as the original config., with the six 100W, 240 volt lamps in the loop as the load. So it’s just the original C value, in series with the six lamps. For the 350 turn coils loop, I’m using 14.2uF in series, with no R value in the loop. I don’t have any high wattage variable resistors here, but I have an 1800 W (30 ohms) heating element that I want to try in the circuit today.


关于我们的最新进度。首先大家要知道这里讲的数字都是峰值,大家可以帮忙确认吗? 以下是我把3100圈的细线圈当作是输出线圈的结果: 每分钟转速2588转(输出频率173赫兹),输入1000瓦可以得到3000瓦的输出。 600瓦进,1360出。 500瓦进,836瓦出。电容值差不多都是167奈法拉。附载是6盏100瓦,240伏的灯泡。电容与6盏灯泡串连。 350圈的粗线圈则加上14.2微法拉的串联电容,不外加电阻。摩洛哥这边没有高瓦数的可变电阻,不过我今天想加在粗线圈上一个1800瓦(30欧姆)的电热元件。



译注: QEG起初设定细线圈是发电线圈。


 I may be able to move the tap on the heating element… Some things I’ve noticed: With this configuration, I’ve actually got 3 resonances as I spin up the rotor (to 2588 RPM). The 1st and 2nd do not phase lock (I can dial right through) and are multi-phasic (power going back and forth as Jeremy mentions), and when I get to the 2588 RPM main resonance, the phase lock is amazing! I can vary the input power between about 500W to over 1000W and RPM change is less than 5. If I increase the cap value (to about 200nF), I get a resonance at very low RPM (about 1200) that really locks in, and has even more power (measured 4200W ), but there is some sinewave distortion (peaks are not all the same amplitude) and it’s really too slow mechanically. The main resonance has a clean sinewave.


电热元件应该还要作些处理…我还发现到一些事情。一旦采用粗线圈当发电线圈的设定,马达在转速达到每分钟2588转前共有三个协振发电点。前面两次没有出现相位锁定效应(提高转速就没电了),而且输出电力是多相位的(数值会忽高忽低,不稳定)。当我设定2588转会出现协振发电的时候,相位锁定效应的力量相当惊人! 不管输入是500瓦还是1000瓦以上,机器的转速变化不超过5

(译注: 这时候输入越多输出会倍量增加)。如果我把电容值增加到约200奈法拉,转速非常低的时候就有谐振了(大约是每分钟1200转)。它有达到相位锁定,而且输出也很可观​​(测量到4200瓦)。不过它也有正弦波散乱的问题(峰值出现在不同的振幅),而且转速真的太慢了​​。不像是2588转的协振点,波形就非常一致。


I remembered Evens said there was also power in the 350 turn coils (as primary) with this configuration, so I decided to see how much… and this was a big surprise… at 86Hz (half of output frequency), I measured 9,460W with 600W input, and 13,326W at 800W input! I verified with a current probe, and there is over 6 amps in the circuit! At 800W input, this is about 1590W RMS – enough to power the motor. I measured the output from the 350 turn loop previously with the original configuration, and with 700W input, I had only 1,836W peak (about 175W RMS).


我记得艾文说过:如果350圈的粗线圈作为发电线圈的话,线圈里面也会有电力。所以我决定量测看看,结果真的是惊为天人。 86赫兹的时候(输出频率的一半),600瓦的输入,线圈的内含电力就有9460瓦,而800瓦的输入,内含电力就有13,326瓦! 我用电流探棒去量,线圈里面的电流量超过6安培!!另外800瓦的输入,得到的有效输出值是1590瓦,足够带动马达了。我之前把350圈粗线圈当作输出线圈的时候,700瓦的输入顶多只有1836瓦的输出峰值(有效值大约是175瓦)


 This leads me to think: what if we went back to the original configuration, and place the C (and possibly R) in the 350 turn loop with the load? Obviously more testing is needed. But, I think there is a lot of merit with this new configuration. We need to better understand the interaction between the primary and secondary, and how to optimally tune the loops. I suspect we need at least one variable resistance, in the 350 turn/14.2uF loop, to be able to fine tune and match the resonances.

The lamps (as load) in the 3100 turn loop provide the R function. I’ll tr​​y tuning the 350 coil loop today, with this 30 ohm resistive heating element I have. I like the transverter scheme as a means of getting the power out . I believe this would also provide the frequency conversion (from whatever our final output frequency will be) to 50 or 60 Hz, using the timebase in the SCR controller.


这个现象让我连想到:如果我们改回原先的设定(细线圈当发电线圈),然后把电容(或者是电阻) 接到粗线圈跟附载相连呢? 显然还有很多测试要做,不过我觉得新设定有很多优点。我们也得弄清楚两组线圈之间的互动关系,还有进行优化调整的方法。我在猜我们至少需要一个可变电阻,加在350圈的粗线圈,搭配14.2微法拉的电容值,就可以达到良好的调整了。接在3100圈细线圈的灯泡可以充当电阻。我今天要用手边的30欧姆电热元件调整350圈的粗线圈。我想用变频变压整流器从QEG撷取电力。我相信变压整流器也可以利用时基功能调整机器任何可能的输出频率到50-60赫兹。


译注: 变压整流器(transverter)是这次更新提到的新元件。功能是自动分析输入的电源,然后可以转变成各种电压的直流或交流电。


Interfacing to the real world brings up another item I’ve been wanting to mention to you guys: Judging from Witts latest (full version) video, the lack of any discernable change in resonance/sound/RPM etc. as he turns on lamp after lamp leads me to believe there is a constant impedance load on the output. In other words, I think the generator is operated at full power, full time, and the load is completely isolated from the output circuit (transformer or inductor as load), and all the power is pulled out of the secondary. This transformer/inductor load may also be a 3rd resonant (tuned) circuit on the generator side. And possibly, this may need to be set up first, before trying to tune in to the ‘sweet spot’ (original configuration).


要使QEG跟现实世界接轨,我得先跟大家讲一件事情: Witts最新的开灯泡展示短片中谐振/声音/转速等条件并没有明显的变化,这让我相信他的输出端有个持续阻抗。换句话说,我认为他的机器是全天候全力运转,而且灯泡(附载)是完全跟机器的输出回路分离的(输出回路接的是变压器或电感)。这个变压器/电感附载也可能是发电机的第三组回路(而且也要调整过)。另外有可能要先弄好这一组回路,才能找到机器的超输出谐振点(依照细线圈当发电线圈的原始设定)





The transverter could work this way since there is a step-down transformer… Here’s another scheme we were looking at (attached – you guys may have seen this already). This magnetic converter circuit could also provide the constant impedance and frequency conversion. Take a look and let me know your thoughts. I will be back on around 6pm. Leave me your questions here, and I’ll pick them up through the day and we can discuss tonight. Thanks so much for all your work and dedication! Vive La Resistance! Jamie 😉


变压整流器可以当作QEG的第三组回路,因为它也是一种降压变压器。我们之前也有研究另一种作法(磁性分频器,请下载附件)。这种磁性转换回路也可以当作持续阻抗和转换频率的零件。请大家研究一下,让我知道你们的想法。我会在东岸时间晚上6点左右上线。之后我们可以进行讨论。非常感谢大家的付出和努力! 自由万岁!





翻译: Patrick Shih




