【地球盟友】【柯博拉Cobra】2015年12月8日訊息 【如意寶珠的情報更新】

Since I have released intel about the Cintamani stone, many pieces of this sacred stone have found their way into the hands of dedicated Lightworkers and Lightwarriors and will serve as transmitters of energies of compression breakthrough at the time of the Event:
Selected pieces of Cintamani stone were put into many dozens of most important key grid vortex points of the planetary energy grid to stabilize the transformation process into the Event. This Cintamani energy grid around the planet is now almost complete.
Old Tibetan prophecy says that there will come a time when the King of the World will emerge with his army from his subterranean realms to defeat the forces of darkness and usher the coming of the Golden age. This time is now. Cintamani stone will play a key role in this process:
Cintamani stone is an emanation of pure Light and is an outer manifestation of the purity of our Soul:
Very recently, a limited quantity of Cintamani stones was put on StratoProbe 4, a nearspace vehicle which I have launched together with my team. StratoProbe 4 has reached a maximum altitude of about 15 miles (24 km):
On its way to maximum altitude it took this photo of a small fleet of extraterrestrial craft that were supporting our mission:
I have been guided to prepare another batch of Cintamani stones. Most of them, including some pieces that were aboard StratoProbe 4, are now available to dedicated Lightworkers and Lightwarriors. You can buy them here (please scroll to the bottom of the page):
Together with my team I am searching for a person who is planning to travel to Antarctica in the near future. We need one volunteer for a Cintamani-related mission on that distant continent. If you are such a person, please contact [email protected]
我和我的團隊正在尋找一位在近期內有打算到南極洲旅遊的人士。我們需要一位願意到偏遠大陸上執行如意寶珠相關任務的志願者。如果您就是我們要找的人,請來信到[email protected]
Victory of the Light!
One batch of Cintamani stones is now ready for those Lightworkers and Lightwarriors who do not have money to buy one. They will receive the stone for free, they will only need to pay actual shipping costs. If you are from Asia or Australia and would like to receive your stone, please contact [email protected] . People from North and South America can contact [email protected] and put “North America gift” in the subject line. People from Europe and Africa can contact [email protected] .
一批如意寶珠已經準備要好分送給缺錢購買的光工和光戰士。他們可以無償獲得寶珠,而且只需要支付運費。如果您住在亞洲或澳洲而且想獲得免費的寶珠,請寄信給[email protected] .。如果您住在北美洲或南美洲,請寄信給[email protected]並且在信件標題註明『North America gift』如果您住在歐洲或非洲,請寄信給[email protected] .
翻譯:Patrick Shih


“柯博拉(Cobra)”是昴宿星轉世為地球的某個人類,Cobra為其代稱(由Compression breakthrough”壓縮突破”而來)。其與昴宿星人一直有面對面的直接接觸,他/她是抵抗運動官方的公開聯絡人。





本文出處網址: https://www.ascendwithlove.org/2015/12/08/2015-12-8/


