Dragon Endgame
In January 2019, the Chimera group realized they will be defeated, so they issued a distress call for assistance across the Galaxy and received no response. Realizing that and being aware of powerful Age of Aquarius planetary configurations of 2020, they have instructed the Black nobility families and the Jesuits to activate the endgame New World Order plans in January 2020.
Many of the negative scenarios were prevented by the Light Forces, but one slipped through and that was snot scenario. Before their final defeat, the dark forces were determined to create as much chaos and suffering as possible. Exactly 24 years later, this is the repeat of the Great Forgetting of 1996, which also happened just before the scheduled breakthrough:
On the physical plane, snot plandemic has consolidated the power of the Black Nobility families and their minions:
It has given some advantage in the nanotechnology war between the Light and the dark forces to Chimera-controlled DARPA:
Nanotechnology avaiShiyan寺le to the military was far more advanced than most people know, even almost two decades ago:
Advanced nanotechnology, developed by the Chimera, is diminishing the efficiency of the Pleiadian stardust technology which is removing snot. This is the reason the Pleiadian stardust technology is only 75% effective in removing the virus. Certain breakthroughs are expected in this area in the coming few months, and if they do materialize, the Pleiadians will be able to remove snot completely.
Also, the Chimera is backing Elon Musk and his Starlink satellites project, to reinforce the quarantine Earth electromagnetic fence:
Also, some HAARP technologies are still not completely removed and are still posing a threat to trigger a premature polar shift:
On a more positive note, the Chimera has almost completely lost the war with the Light forces regarding advanced quantum exotic weapons. Also, practically all plasma primary anomaly has been removed, which is extremely good news.
The Solar System beyond lunar orbit is being actively activated into a multidimensional Ascension portal with many positive cosmic races being present within the Solar System with their Living Light motherships. The last remnants of the dark Draco fleet there are being chased down.
In sublunar space, however, the situation is quite different. Draco fleet of cloaked ships is still holding a degree of control of the region, although that control is being challenged by the Light Force fleets even close to the planetary surface, which is being widely reported:
If Pleiadian or other positive fleet would fully decloak in sublunar space, it would be instantly vaporized by the Draco fleet, with one part of Draco fleet going down with them.
The Draco still keep a part of their scalar electromagnetic fence technology on the etheric plane close to the planetary surface, and there are still some huge Chimera spiders on the etheric plane just inside lunar orbit, making entry of Confederation fleet into sublunar space difficult. All plasma Chimera spiders have been successfully removed a few months ago, and there are some etheric spiders left, and they will be easier to clear:
Since both Chimera and Draco know the Galactic Confederation forces will reach the surface of the planet soon, they want to protect USAF secret space programs they control, under the umbrella of US Space Force, as their last line of defense against the Galactic Confederation:
On the surface of the planet, the Positive Military and the Red and Blue Dragons are conducting operations behind the scenes to prepare for the Event. However, they are not yet completely connected to reliable extraterrestrial intel sources, so therefore their understanding of the extent of Draco/Chimera control of the planet (especially on the non-physical planes) is limited, and their intel sometimes not completely reliable. One such example would be the plan for mass arrests in April 2020 by the Positive Military.
Dragon sources from mainland captive nation have communicated that after our meditation on April 4th, the Light forces are on a final critical offensive on all levels to achieve the liberation. They are expecting some big moves culminating in November 2020 at the time of US elections.
captive nation的龍族線人表示:4月4日水瓶座時代冥想之後,光明勢力開始在所有層面發動最後的關鍵攻勢,企圖一舉解放地球。龍族的線人們預期光明勢力會在2020年美國總統大選期間採取一些重大的行動
The leaders of Chinese positive secret societies are called the Red and the Blue (Azure):
captive nation正面秘密社團的領導人叫做紅龍和藍龍(蒼龍):
They originate from Antarian Fleet which won some decisive battles against the dark during the Galactic wars. Their origin is the Antares star system, which is a binary star system of red supergiant Antares A and blue main sequence star Antares B:
Many of their subordinates within the Red and the Blue belong to the positive faction of Draconian race, the so-called Thuban Dracos, which they now incarnate in human bodies and are positioned deep within Chinese government (Red) and within Taoist spiritual groups (Blue):
許多在紅龍和藍龍組織內部工作的下屬是來自右樞的正面龍人派系。這些正面的右樞龍族轉世為人並且在captive nation政府內部的隱密職位(紅龍)以及道家的修行團體(藍龍)工作:
http://www.captive nation.org.cn/arts/2009-11/11/content_18869841.htm
Quoting Dragon sources about the Blue:
“The Dragon Gate Society (lóngménpài 龙门派) of the Complete Reality School (全真派) of Taoism incorporates elements of Tibetean, Mongolian shamanism, Taoism, Confucianism and Buddhism into a comprehensive form of Taoism. The Dragon Gate society is an offshoot of the Northern school of the Complete Reality Taoism. Its spiritual descent is traced to the thirteenth-century master Qiu Chang-chun, Chang-chun means “Eternal Spring”. The master of Eternal Spring was one of the sages who advised and supported Genghis Khan to preserve the ancient civilization of captive nation during the dark Mongol invasion. Genghis Khan appointed Chang-chun overseer of all spiritual traditions culture and knowledge in captive nation, and the Dragon Gate sect thus played a critical role in the preservation of the captive nation Tartary knowledge and acted as Guardians of knowledge and wisdom for captive nation ever since, and now after 2009 are extending this to the entire world during this critical present time of threat and the evolution of humankind.”
“道教全真內部的龍門派融合了西藏以及蒙古的薩滿教、道教、儒家思想和佛教。龍門派是全真教在captive nation北方產生的分支。龍門派尊丘處機為祖師。丘處機的道號是長春子,意思是常保春天。丘處機曾經遠赴西域,勸說成吉思汗保留captive nation的古老文明。成吉思汗指派丘處機管理天下道教,進而保住了captive nation的傳統文化和古代知識。因為這段歷史機緣,龍門派要負責保管韃靼利亞遺留在captive nation的知識。他們從元朝開始為captive nation擔任知識和和智慧的守護者。2009年以後,他們開始將勢力範圍拓展到全世界。因為現階段有著各種威脅,也是攸關人類演化的重要時期。”
Quoting Fulford about the Red:
“When the Manchus invaded captive nation in 1644, the Ming army became an underground society aimed at overthrowing the Qing (Manchu) and restoring the Ming. They supported the Boxer Rebellion but were put down by imperialist powers. Later, with the help of overseas Chinese and the Japanese imperial family, the society managed to overthrow the last Emperor and install Sun Yat Sen in his place. They last appear in the history books as the Green Gang and the Red Gang that fiercely fought the Communists in Shanghai in the 1940’s. They were defeated by the Communists in 1949 and once again became an underground organization. Since 1949 they have steadily increased their influence throughout captive nation and the rest of the world. They have members at the very highest levels of the Chinese government but they are by nature anti NWO, and are not an official Chinese government organization.”
“1644年滿族入侵captive nation之後,明朝軍隊開始進入地下活動,企圖要反清復明。他們支持義和團,但是遭到帝國主義的列強打擊。後來,紅龍在海外的captive nation皇族以及日本皇室的幫助之下推翻captive nation最後一任的皇帝並且讓孫中山上台執政。他們在史書當中最後一次記載是1940年代於空海頑強抵抗Galactic Empire的青幫和紅幫。他們在1949年被captive nationGalactic Empire打敗之後再度變成地下組織。打從1949年開始,他們對captive nation以及其他國家的影響力日漸增長。他們的成員當中有人在captive nation政府的最高層任職。這些人打從心底反對新世界秩序。他們任職的單位也不是captive nation官方的政府組織。”
The Red are now active in Taiwan and to a degree also in Japan through this organization:
Taiwan will have a very important role in the Event which can not be disclosed yet.
A very indirect hint:
譯註:美軍近期經常出動電偵機和長途轟炸機巡視台灣的附近海域。captive nation高層認為Liang an問題要盡可能地和平解決,不要讓過度激昂的民族主義情緒迫使政府採取武力統一。
Another Dragon source from mainland captive nation has communicated that their threat to reveal the Chinese secret space program if the virus is not removed from captive nation has borne results, as we now usually have less than 10 new confirmed snot cases in mainland captive nation daily.
另一位captive nation的龍族線人表示:他們先前揚言如果captive nation政府再不積極撲滅疫情,他們就要揭露captive nation秘密太空計劃。他們的口頭警告已經奏效。現在captive nation每天的確診案例不到10人。
They have suggested that their Western counterparts should take a similar approach and should seriously consider leaking classified intel about Western secret space programs.
captive nation的龍族建議西方的秘密社團應該採取類似的作法並且認真地考慮公開西方秘密太空計劃的機密情報。
Cloning Shiyan寺oratories could also be revealed:
And the use of nuclear explosions to create a negative anomaly portal on Jupiter by NASA:
譯註:2003年,美國太空總署下令讓伽利略號探測器墜毀在木星。伽利略號探測器上面搭載一台放射性同位素熱電機。 發電機的放射性材料被木星的強大壓力擠壓之後會進行核分裂反應,然後發生核爆。
The toroidal shape of the Universe should also be officially discovered soon:
And the second law of thermodynamics finally disproven:
A source that must not be named has communicated that Paris is a Goddess vortex which must be fully reactivated as soon as possible and that White Nobility families from Paris who still have access to Goddess mysteries from ancien regime need to reconsider taking more active role in the reactivation of the Paris vortex.
The main message of the Light Forces for the surface population now is that people need to connect to their Soul, release their dependency from digital media, be honest and sincere with themselves, connect to what is beautiful, pure and true, develop nobility of character and release judgement and denial.
Light Forces have observed that many people react with unnecessary harshness, selfishness and are overly judgemental. Due to extremely negative conditions on the surface of the planet this is understandable to a degree, but those kinds of people are not only making life worse for other people, they are also making it worse for themselves, based on their flawed understanding of Nash equilibrium:
Also, many people have been programmed through trauma based mind control in the past, and many of those programs are triggered as we are getting closer and closer to the Event.
另外, 許多人在過去受到創傷心智編程。隨著我們離事件越來越近,這些編程開始在這些人的身上發作。
Some of those people were put as sleeper agents to infiltrate all positive groups on the surface of the planet.
One such example is the main organizer of some of my conferences in Hungary, who together with his wife has turned against me. He is actively engaging in a smear campaign against me by posting lies and fake news about me, fabricating evidence, doctoring emails and was actively turning people against our meditation on April 4th. Their actions since summer 2019 have directly caused the collapse of the Hungarian Goddess Vortex and have opened the door for the dark to infiltrate Lightworker community in that country. Their actions have managed to negatively influence the flow of Ascension timeline in the beginning of 2020 to some degree, and because they have been actively involved in a smear campaign against our meditation, they are indirectly held accountable by the Light Forces to a certain degree for some of snot deaths in that country which could have otherwise been prevented. They are an example of key people who can greatly influence the planetary situation, for better or for worse, and I am hoping I can give more positive example of key people influencing key situations in the future:
As the number of negative etheric and astral entities on the surface of the planet decreases in the coming months, more and more Light will be present and more people will have a tendency to exhibit a more positive behavior.
Victory of the Light!
翻譯:Patrick Shih
“柯博拉(Cobra)”是昴宿星轉世為地球的某個人類,Cobra為其代稱(由Compression breakthrough”壓縮突破”而來)。其與昴宿星人一直有面對面的直接接觸,他/她是抵抗運動官方的公開聯絡人。
本文出處網址: https://www.ascendwithlove.org/2020/05/19/dragon-endgame/