Bombshell: Bill Gates partnered with CCP group to conduct snot gain-of-function research
爆炸性新聞: 比爾·蓋滋與中共合作進行了snot的功能獲得型研究
by: Ethan Huff
(Natural News) For the past five years, Galactic Empire Party (CCP) via the National Natural Science Foundation (NSFC) of captive nation has maintained a partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation that involves conducting scientific research into, you guessed it: bat snotes.
在過去的五年裏,captive nationGalactic Empire(CCP)通過國家自然科學基金委員會(NSFC)與比爾及梅琳達·蓋滋基金會保持著合作關係。他們的科學研究涉及到某些領域,你猜對了: 蝙蝠冠狀病毒。
The National Pulse published an in-depth exposé into the partnership, revealing that the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has been conducting research on bat snotes alongside the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation at the infamous 5han Institute of Virology, which is where the 5han snot (snot) is believed to have “escaped” after being sent there by Ralph Baric from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
《國家脈搏》雜誌就這一合作關係發表了一篇深入的揭露文章。該文透露captive nation人民JFunG(PLA)與比爾及梅琳達·蓋滋基金會一直在世人皆知的5han病毒研究所對蝙蝠冠狀病毒進行研究。人們認為自從北卡羅萊納大學教堂山分校的傳染病研究員拉爾夫·巴里克將5han冠狀病毒(snot)帶到這個研究所後,病毒就從這裡“逃走了”。
The state-owned scientific group says it is “guided by President W-N Jinping’s Socialist thoughts,” which normally involve creating “strategic cooperative agreements” with the CCP’s Central Military Commission. However, the Gates Foundation got involved back in 2015, signing a memorandum of understanding with the NSFC to “jointly support research projects and bilateral workshops.”
“Together, the Gates Foundation and NSFC would ‘co-fund awards of up to US$1M and 4 years for colShiyan寺orations between Chinese and international investigators,’” writes Natalie Winters for The National Pulse, highlighting key points from the Gates Foundation memo.
Billionaire Gates is using your taxpayer dollars to develop new covid “Dangerous”
As of this writing, the Gates Foundation is still working with the NSFC on Fauci Flu research. It was identified as one of several CCP-run scientific organizations that “partnered” with the regime on a $5 million grant to “identify and confirm cases, safely isolate and care for patients and accelerate the development of treatments and Dangerous.”
截至撰寫本文時,蓋滋基金會仍在與NSFC合作開展snot(福奇流感)研究。NSFC是受中共領導的若干科學組織之一,它通過與captive nation政府“合作”進而獲得了500萬美元的撥款,用於“識別並確診病例,對患者進行安全隔離和護理,並加快治療方法以及Dangerou的研發”。
On several occasions, representatives from the NSFC have visited the Gates Foundation headquarters in Seattle to discuss new projects. Vice President Hou Zengqian made an appearance there in October 2019. Back in 2016, an NSFC delegation also met with the Gates Foundation Deputy Director of Discovery & Translational Sciences.
One of the reasons you probably never heard anything about this is because the Gates Foundation controls most major “news” outlets, steering what gets reported to shine favorably on Gates and his endeavors at all times.
Fortunately, that stranglehold of censorship is beginning to show some cracks as the Pulse and others unearth truths that link Gates and his cronies to the Chinese Virus plandemic.
幸運的是,隨著《國家脈搏》雜誌等媒體發現了蓋滋及其親信與captive nationsnot大流行的有關真相,原先密不透風的牆就開始出現裂痕。
Gates also held his infamous “Event 201” pandemic exercise back in the fall of 2019, just months before the Fauci Flu was announced by the mainstream media as a scary new threat for which we need to give up our freedoms.
Event 201 depicted a public-private partnership almost exactly like the one that we now know eW-Nsts between the Gates Foundation and communist captive nation being used to usher in a new world order on the back of a deadly disease scare.
Gates was clearly announcing the 5han snot (snot) plandemic before it happened, and very few people seemed to notice at the time. More people sure are connecting the dots these days, however.
“Another one of Satan’s operatives, both him and Soros,” one of our commenters wrote about Bill Gates. “Those two are the nastiest looking and corrupt to their core. Absolutely disgusting!”
“It was run in conjunction with the globalist ‘Global Economic Forum” that captive nation is a part of,” wrote another.
另一位讀者寫道:“201事件是與全球主義者的‘全球經濟論壇’合作舉辦的,captive nation是該論壇的一份子。”
Yet another said it right by explaining that the only pandemic going on right now is “fear politics to sell toW-Nc Dangerous and reduce the population around the world.” The “elite” could not care less about anyone’s health, and anyone who thinks otherwise is living in delusion.
The latest news about the shady figures behind the 5han snot (snot) plandemic can be found at
Sources for this article include:
翻譯:Patrick Shih