尼西亞公議會 – 創造了耶穌基督的議會


The Council of Nicea – The Council that created Jesus Christ

尼西亞公議會 – 創造了耶穌基督的議會


OWON: Time for our world to wake up, throw aside these ridiculous little men in dresses, and start dealing with the real issues head on. Being led by these nearly men poncing around in coloured costumes is why we have progressed zero in 2,000 years.




Your Soul is real, the rest is mythology. Grow up, man up and face up – it’s down to you. We must sort our world, use the intelligence we were given, and create a world fit for purpose. How can a bunch of misfits, confused psycho babblers, lead anything? Half the Church Leaders role play ‘Arthur or Martha’, both senior and/or junior, against their own oath because they know it is all a lie.




Thinking is the start. Reasoning our way forward as nations. Determining what is humanity? Drop the fables and start building an intelligent society with ethics, standards and a purpose. Think reality and build a real foundation. 



Historical evidence that proves “Jesus Christ” never existed and was created by Constantine (Romans)




文章出自Unbiased Talk



The origin of the “Savior” – Later becoming the person worshiped today as Jesus Christ


“救世主”的起源 – 之後成為眾人崇拜的對象,即耶穌基督



Ptolemy 1 Meryamun Setepenre (c.a. 367-283 B.C.E- Before Common Era) (aka Soter) (“Soter” means savior) became the first European pharaoh of Egypt through military force led by Alexander the Greek (a.k.a Alexander the Great). When Ptolemy became pharaoh of Egypt, he wanted the Egyptians to consecrate him as a god. He wanted to be called a god because that was the title all of the pharaohs of Egypt were called prior to him. However, the people of Egypt refused to call him a god because they knew the only reason he became a pharaoh was through force, so in “305 BC -Ptolemy took the title of Pharaoh, taking the Egyptian name Meryamun Setepenre, which means “Beloved of Amun (Amun means God) Chosen of Ra (Ra means God)”, and because of the Egyptians refusal to acknowledge him as a God, he began killing the people of Egypt, which caused the Egyptian priests at Memphis to give into his request by agreeing to consecrate him to priesthood, in order to save their own lives. 


托勒密一世(約西元前 367-283 年)(又名 Soter,意為“救世主”)透過希臘亞歷山大(又名亞歷山大大帝)領導的軍事力量成為埃及的第一位歐洲法老。當托勒密成為埃及法老時,他希望埃及人奉他為神。他想被稱為神,因為在他之前所有的埃及法老都被人們稱為神。然而埃及人民拒絕了,因為他們知道他當上法老的唯一原因就是透過武力。西元前 305 年——托勒密取得了法老的稱號和一個埃及名字 “Meryamun Setepenre”,意思是“上帝所愛,上帝選中的”。由於埃及人拒絕承認他是神,他就開始殺害埃及人民。這迫使孟斐斯的埃及祭司們最終妥協並同意封他為祭司,以保全自己的性命。



The key words in the above passage to keep in mind during your reading: Meryamun, Setepenre, Soter, which are words that were used to create the fictitious character of JESUS CHRIST in A.D. by Roman Emperor Constantine (Meryamun, Setepenre, Soter were used in B.C.). The images of Ptolemy below, which are similar to the images that are depicted as “Jesus” today, were forced upon the Africans and were ordered to be worshiped by the people of Rome. Let us continue to A.D.


大家在閱讀中要記住以上段落中的關鍵字: 上帝所愛(Meryamun)上帝選中的(Setepenre),救世主(Soter),這些詞是羅馬皇帝君士坦丁在西元後用來創造耶穌基督這一虛構角色所用到的(Meryamun,Setepenre,Soter在西元前就被使用)。以下是托勒密的肖像,與當今人們描繪的“耶穌”肖像相似。當年羅馬人把這個形象強加給非洲人去崇拜。接下來我們繼續說西元後的事。


Serapis Christus Greco Roman c.a 135 B.C.E. The marble image in the London museum is the image they use of Christ (Jesus) today. Christus was also the nickname for Serapis. 




What is Serapis? (Origin of JESUS CHRIST) 



Ptolemy’s rule was to create a deity that would be worshiped by both the Egyptians and the Greeks. He created “Serapis ”,the made up Graeco-Egyptian god that was invented in the 3rd century B.C., portrayed as Greek in appearance, but with Egyptian accessories, representing both wealth and resurrection. 




“Egypt, which you commended to me my dearest Servianus, I have found to be wholly fickle and inconsistent and continually wafted about by every breath of fame. The worshipers of Serapis here are called Christians and those who are devoted to the god Serapis (I find) call themselves Bishops of Christ.” – Hadrian to Servianus 134 A.D.


“埃及,你向我推薦了我最親愛的塞爾維亞努斯。我發現自己完全是變化無常、前後矛盾的,總是會因為各種名譽而搖擺。在這裡,塞拉皮斯的崇拜者被稱為基督徒,而那些忠於塞拉皮斯神的人稱自己為基督主教。” — 西元134年,哈德良致塞爾維亞努斯


Constantine and Arius 



Constantine the Greek (a.k.a Constantine the Great) Roman Emperor from 306 to 337, is known for being the first Roman emperor to be converted to Christianity which strangely enough, Arius of Libya (256-356 A.D.) born of African descent centuries after Ptolemy 1, had a problem with the Roman empire teaching the Africans and the people of Rome to worship a statue and celebrating death. He was considered a heretic, a professed believer (of God), who maintains religious opinions contrary to those accepted by his or her church (what the religious authorities usually controlled by government deem as the truth). Because he started attracting so many followers due to his teachings that were contrary to the Romans, Constantine called the council by summoning all the bishops to discredit Arius, The Council of Nicaea. During the time when this meeting was called upon, there was no mention of Jesus Christ at all; no man had ever existed by the name JESUS Christ, and an important fact is that this all took place Anno Domino (A.D.) (which Christians claim means after the death of Christ) in Latin means ‘in the year of the lord’. The name Jesus Christ didn’t exist before the meeting was called (read the statements made during that time frame). It was only after this that they presented to the people the name JESUS CHRIST.


西元306年至337年間的羅馬皇帝君士坦丁,因是第一位皈依基督教的羅馬皇帝而聞名。而利比亞的阿里烏斯(西元 256-356 年)在托勒密一世之後的幾個世紀出生,作為非洲人的後裔,他反對羅馬帝國“教導”非洲和羅馬人民崇拜雕像和慶祝死亡的做法。正因如此他被視為一個異教徒,他自稱是(上帝的)信仰者,但其宗教觀點與其教會所認可的相反(政府掌控下的宗教當局所認可的真理)。由於他的教義與羅馬人的教義相反,追隨者們紛至遝來。隨後君士坦丁召集所有主教詆毀阿里烏斯,並召開了尼西亞會議。這次會議召開的時候根本沒有提到耶穌基督,也沒有人以耶穌基督的名字存在過。一個重要的事實是:這一切都發生在西元後(基督徒稱之為基督死後的意思),拉丁語的意思是“主的年代”。在這次會議召開之前,耶穌基督的名字並不存在。在此以後,他們才把耶穌基督的名字展示給民眾。


What Lord are they referring to? Kings have always been referred to as Lords or Gods. 




If Jesus Christ didn’t exist during the time this meeting took place nor ever heard of, whom are people worshiping today? Serapis Christus? 




Nicean Creed – Jesus Christ is born 

尼西亞信經 – 耶穌基督誕生



Nicean creed which became the statement of the Christian faith was written decreed and sanctified by 318 Roman Catholic bishops at the council in 325 A.D. (some believe this transformation took place “Council of Chalcedon”451 A.D.). 


成為基督教信仰宣言的尼西亞信經是在西元 325年由 318位羅馬天主教主教在議會上頒佈的(也有些人認為這種轉變發生在西元 451年的“迦克墩議會”)



“We believe in one God the Father all-powerful of all things both seen and unseen one Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God the only begotten from the father, that is from the substance of the father, god from god, light from light, true god from true god, begotten not made, consubstantial with the father, through whom all things came to be both those in heaven and those in earth for us humans and for out salvation he came down and became incarnate became human suffered and rose up on the third day went up into the heavens is coming to judge the living and the dead and in the holy spirit” – The origin of the Trinity


“我們信獨一的神,全能的聖父,創造天地和一切有形無形萬物的主。我們信獨一的主,耶穌基督,聖父的獨生子,在永世之前為聖父所生;是從神所出的神,從光所出的光,從真神所出的真神;是受生而非被造,與聖父同一本質;萬物都是借著祂受造。祂為了我們世人及為了拯救我們,從天降臨;透過聖靈,經由童貞女瑪利亞出生成為人而受苦,祂第三天復活升天,審判活著與死去的靈魂。” —— 三位一體的起源



The authorities shut Arius down and threatened him with death to keep his mouth shut. They positioned the creed during the time when people started becoming aware of the lies and deception, and ordered all books to be burned; destroying all ancient writings, “no evidence no argument”, and the outcome was the transformation from Serapis Christus, which means Christ the Savior, to Jesus Christ by edict of Emperor Constantine in 325 A.D. 


當局把阿里烏斯關了起來,並以死亡威脅讓他閉嘴。他們在民眾開始意識到謊言與欺騙之時確立了這個信仰,並下令焚燒所有書籍、摧毀所有古代著作——“沒有證據就沒有爭論”。其結果是西元 325 年君士坦丁皇帝頒佈法令將Serapis Christus(意為“救世主基督”)轉變為“耶穌基督”。


Authors comment 



Christians, do your research. There may have been a man that walked the earth in the land known as Nazareth that attempted to guide the people back to righteousness, but, this man was not JESUS CHRIST. You see no mention of any man in Nazareth named JESUS mentioned during the meetings in Rome, or of a woman named Mary (the virgin) giving birth to a child named Jesus. 





This would explain why there is so much emphasis put on JESUS CHRIST in the bible, which further explains why God all of a sudden had to have a “son” (sun of God was turned to the son of God by Europeans, which is why every picture of Jesus has the sun behind his head. (Sun Ra, Sun of Ra (God)). The man you acknowledge as Jesus Christ of Nazareth was born in 4 BC; all of the above took place before that date.
















本文出處網址: https://www.ascendwithlove.org/2021/10/01/20211001-02/

