疫苗非唯一,我們都有選擇的權利 – 伊維菌素vs新冠肺炎、輝瑞、高端、AZ、莫德納、BNT( COVID Vaccines Are Not Our Only Option. We all Have the Right to Choose. Ivermectin vs COVID-19, MVC, AZ, Moderna and BNT Vaccines)

疫苗非唯一,我們都有選擇的權利 – 伊維菌素vs新冠肺炎、輝瑞、高端、AZ、莫德納、BNT 

COVID Vaccines Are Not Our Only Option. We all Have the Right to Choose.  

Ivermectin vs COVID-19, MVC, AZ, Moderna and BNT Vaccines

Our primary appeal in this demonstration is that People have “the right to choose prescription” Other countries are already containing and curing COVID-19 with existing, inexpensive drugs, and they are receiving good results.  




Doctors in Delhi used ivermectin to treat COVID-19. As a result, 97% confirmed patients recovered  in Delhi recovered in 5 weeks, while vaccine coverage rate in India was less than 15%






Dr. Peter McCullough is an Internist Cardiologist and Professor of Medicine at Texas A&M University. He mentioned that there are about 30 countries now that have treatment kits where they combine either hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin, plus an intracellular antibiotic, azithromycin, doxycycline, and then steroids, aspirin as a combination. This cocktail treatment can prevent patients from hospitalizations and death:


美國心臟腎臟學會的創始人兼現任主席McCullough 博士也提到,現在大約有30個國家或地區將伊維菌素、奎寧、阿奇黴素、抗生素、類固醇、阿斯匹林等藥物組合在一套治療藥物盒中,這可讓患者避免住院和死亡:



On June 14th, 2021, Taiwan Centers for Disease Control denied ivermectin as a regular prevention and treatment for COVID-19. As the result, people in Taiwan do not have the opportunity for an inexpensive treatment:






Despite Taiwan Centers for Disease Control originally recommended Remdesivir, a newly developed and expensive drug for treatment, Taiwan CDC later made a U-turn on this policy because evidence has shown that not Remdesivir cannot decrease the death rate of patients who suffer from severe COVD-19:  






Why doesn’t Taiwan CDC give the green light to inexpensive drugs that have been proven effective against COVID-19?




Traditional Chinese medicine can cure COVID-19 effectively and also prevent serious complications by boosting the human immune system.  Plant-based diet also helps prevent the risk of severe COVID-19:






Our second appeal in this demonstration is that we urge that the government respect fundamental human rights of the People!




The nationwide epidemic alert downgraded to level 2 on July 23th 2021. Taiwan Central Epidemic Command Center also announced a disease prevention guideline for certain occupations and venues. The guideline requires that 80% of teachers and staff working in  kindergartens or cram schools must be vaccinated before classes can begin. They must receive at least one vaccine dose for a minimum of 14 days. If not, they must present proof of a negative rapid screening or PCR test within three days. They also have to take regular rapid screening tests every 3-7 days.




However, CDC Director communicated that  it is still possible for fully-vaccinated people to transmit the virus to others: 






The current policy made by Taiwan CECC is extremely unfair for unvaccinated people. Now that COVID-19 is still transmittable through those who are already vaccinated, why on earth they don’t have to prove they are tested negative? 




Taiwan CECC also requires 80% of the vaccine coverage rate before people go back to work or reopen their business. In other words, Taiwan CECC is indirectly forcing people to be vaccinated. Such half-mandatory is unconstitutional because it violates the physical autonomy and right-to-work of the People:






Since last July, people around the world have organized many street protests against direct/indirect mandatory vaccination, vaccine passport and other “disease prevention” policies:






As of August 18, 2021, there are already 639 reported cases of death after vaccination in Taiwan. In the US, 4785 cases are all death tolls related to all other vaccines combined in the past two decades. As of June 21th, 2021, there are already 5479 reported cases of death after vaccination in the United States ever since American people began to receive COVID-19 vaccination in December 2020:






Considering the death toll related to COVID-19 vaccines, we must be more cautious about the risk of these newly developed vaccines.




In general, it takes about 10 years to develop a vaccine. Before the pandemic, the fastest vaccine took almost 4 years to develop. However, the development of BNT and Moderna took only 8 months. They rolled out of the market without completing any third phase trials.They were authorized for human use via Emergency Use Authorization.




Many prominent scholars around the world have strongly doubted the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines.




Peter Schirmacher, Managing Director of the Institute of Pathology at the University Hospital of Heidelberg has confirmed through autopsies that among patients who died 2 weeks after taking COVID-19 vaccine, 30-40% of them definitely died from side effects of the vaccine:


德國首席科學家、海德堡大學病理學研究所所長 Peter Schirmacher已透過屍檢研究,確認了新冠疫苗接種後兩週內死亡的民眾,有30~40%確實是死於疫苗本身的副作用,並對這樣的致命性發出警告:




Dr.Janci Chunn Lindsay, a scientist who has studied toxicology and molecular biology for more than 30 years, also claimed that COVID-19 vaccines might impair fertility, cause blood disorder and even increase the possibility of virus mutation. She urges that CDC must stop the production and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines immediately:


擁有 30 多年科學經驗的分子生物學家和毒理學家 Janci Chunn Lindsay 博士,也以新冠疫苗損害生育能力、導致血液疾病、甚至疫苗本身可能導致更多病毒突變等問題,而呼籲CDC應該要立即停止新冠疫苗的生產和分發:




Pfizer and Moderna violated vaccine trial protocols and vaccinated their control groups who should have only taken placebos. Purposefully dissolving the placebo group violates the scientific purpose to test whether the vaccine has any efficacy; any actual benefit and/or safety issues.






More facts about the risk of COVID-19 vaccines and how long they can provide protection: 






In conclusion, the government must take a hard look at the risk of COVID-19 vaccines and forbid any mandatory/ half-mandatory vaccination.  In the meantime, we must remember that vaccines are NOT our only option and we should never ignore any inexpensive and effective treatment.


